Our filters

All of our masks have interchangeable filters and valves to allow you to choose the best option of mask and filter dependent on your needs provided the size of the filter and the size of the mask is the same. ie; large filter/large mask

DACC™ (City filter/Xtreme Urban filter)

The DACC™ filter is used for the removal of Acid gases and Organic vapours associated with vehicle emissions. It has a particle filtration layer that removes PM10’s but is not submicron.

Hepa-Type (Sports filter /Cinqro sports filter /Allergy particle filter)

A Hepa-type™ filter, gives the user submicron particle filtration only. It is a filter that targets physical particulates only (PM2.5 and submicron particulates, ie less than 1 micron AKA ultrafine particulates) . As it is a single layer of filter media it has a lower inhalation resistance and is good for people who want to keep the fine respirable exhaust dusts from entering the lungs.

Combination filter. (Techno filter/Cinqro Urban filter/Allergy chemical/particle filter)

A ‘Combination’ filter gives the user both sub-micron particle filtration with gas and vapour filtration. It is a combination of the City filter and the Sports filter. The sub-micron filtration capability of the Sports filter means is that it is able to trap particles less than one micron in size combined with the City filter for vehicle exhaust gases. This combination is the perfect filter for general urban pollution attributed to cars, buses and lorries.

CE 250 Filter (fits all mask models)

A ‘CE 250’ filter gives the user tested/certified filtration to PPE Regulation requirements 2016/425 for filtering face masks. This is a particle filter only. It has longer life time use and provides premium sub micron particle filtration inline with Health and Safety at Work legislation.

Filter Lifespan

The usable lifespan of our range of filters is dependent on the characteristics of the activity you are using a mask for. There are two dominant factors, breathing rate and environmental levels of pollutants. These characteristics would put the lifespan of the filter at a proportionally shorter or longer time.

A Hepa-Type™ filter ( Cinqro Sports, Allergy Particle, Sports filter) is replaced based on discolouration of the particulates that are retained. The inhalation resistance will increase over time. If the inhalation resistance is not bothering you then no need to replace it but to maintain the hygiene practice to keep the filter hygienically clean.

A ‘Combination’ filter (Cinqro Urban, Techno, Allergy Chemical/Particle filters) is replaced and based on the characteristics of the active urban cyclist. If you are using the mask for another activity it still applies, but your breathing rate and environmental factors would put the lifespan of the filter at a proportionally shorter or longer time. If your breathing rate is say half that of a cyclist then the effectiveness of the filter would be twice as long. For cycle commuting on a daily basis we recommend that the filter should be replaced every month or every 69 hours, whichever is sooner. Please see the following video to confirm the urban filter replacement. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2XIXeCVmVw.

Pollution Masks


Designed for active people, allergy sufferers and commuters, Respro® understands your needs.

Having to breathe in a cloud of vehicle fumes surrounded by cars and buses when stationary at traffic lights is no ride in the park. Respro® has been designing pollution masks for over 30 years, using proven safety-led technology and combining it with function, style and comfort. Respro® offers a custom range of pollution masks and filters for every environment and activity to suit individual needs.

This is Your Mask, Your World. Discover our pollution mask range below.

Browse Pollution Masks by Environment



3 Products


8 Products


28 Products


10 Products


17 Products


7 Products

Browse Pollution Masks by Use

Air Pollution

Air pollution

Poor air quality is the largest environmental health risk in the UK*.

Urban commuters are exposed to levels of pollution that are known to cause respiratory issues. Exposure to ‘The Pollution Mix’ (PM2.5 particulates, gases and fumes) on a daily, weekly, monthly, yearly basis, will have an effect on the health of those exposed to it.*

(*Public Health England/GovUK)


Designed for active people, allergy sufferers and commuters, Respro® understands your needs.

Having to breathe in a cloud of vehicle fumes surrounded by cars and buses when stationary at traffic lights is no ride in the park. Respro® has been designing pollution masks for over 30 years, using proven safety-led technology and combining it with function, style and comfort. Respro® offers a custom range of pollution masks and filters for every environment and activity to suit individual needs.

This is Your Mask, Your World. Discover the pollution range below.


Shop with your smartphone


With our sizing service


On all orders over £25*


On all our masks

Best for pollution range

Ultralight™ Mask

Techno™ Mask


Bandit™ Scarf



“It’s not one size fits all”
For a mask to do its job, it needs to be the right fit.

Simply enter your measurements on the biometric data form of our sizing guide. Click ‘submit to Respro’ before placing your order and we’ll confirm the right mask and size for you. By taking this step, you’ll also be eligible for Respro’s warranty programme.

Sizing Guide

As featured in

Logos of Vogue, Cyclist Magazine, The Independent, Runner's World & Women's Health



Masks are not like clothes, shoes, or any other garment worn on the body. They are unfamiliar to the majority of the general public who often are unsure about how or when to use them. Written Information provided can often be too technical thus adding to confusion for the user. Mask regulation is also an issue. Ambiguous guidelines can allow unscrupulous suppliers to make wild claims about the level of protection their masks provide.

Some of these claims include:

1. That the filter:
  • Filters out 99% of all particulates
  • Is capable of filtering nano particulates

Which in turn implies that:

2. The mask is:
  • A top quality product
  • A fully certified product to a given standard

As with most claims there is always a grain of truth; the filter may have been laboratory tested to filter out 99% of particulates of a given size, however, for a mask to be certified to a recognised international standard*, the whole mask has to be tested and not just the filter itself. The filter may have the potential to filter out particulates, including ‘fashionable’ PM2.5’s, but the mask which holds the filter, may not effectively seal the filter to the face.

If the mask does not provide adequate face sealing, then unfiltered air will pass around the filter. This will significantly reduce the efficiency of any mask.

Getting a complete mask product certified is a lot more complicated and expensive than just testing the filter media. A mask is put through a thorough range of tests which includes tests on both the mask and filter as one unit. User trials are also carried out wearing the full mask product as masks are often required to perform in an environment that is hostile and life threatening. This ensures that the mask is safe and meets the requirements of a given specification for an international standard for respiratory protection.

Here at Respro® we believe that if a manufacturer claims their mask is certified, then the whole mask must be certified to a recognised international standard for respiratory protection. If it is not then any claims made for the product should be cautiously considered.

*The standards are: Europe: EN149, The US: NIOSH, China: GB2626-2006, Australia/NZ: AS/NZS 1716:2012, Korea: KIOSH

View our EC Declaration of conformity.

View our Streetsmart EN149 (FFP3 NR) certificate.

EUROPEAN standard EN149 uses the the following classes:

FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3.
  • FFP1 – is equivalent to a mask rated N95
  • FFP2 – is equivalent to a mask rated between N95 and N99
  • FFP3 – (Highest rated) is equivalent to a mask rated N99

We supply masks that conform to European Standards.

We do supply an FFP3 rated mask which is equivalent to the N99 rating. The Streetsmart™ is the highest rated product we supply. Our sports masks would be equivalent to N95. Our CE sports masks are rated FFP1-R. These include the Techno Plus™, Cinqro™, Techno™ and Sportsta™ models.

NB: If you see a model that has ‘FFP1 NR’, it means it is only usable once for an eight hour shift. Masks that are reusable should have the letter ‘R’ after the rating.

‘How to’ Videos

Here at Respro® we make videos so that you can see how things work.


The Pro-Seal™ is designed to guarantee a better seal and greater comfort while wearing your Respro® mask. It can be fitted retroactively to any Respro® mask.

This video demonstrates how wear a Respro® Cinqro mask.

This video demonstrates how simple it is to correctly position a Respro® mask on your face.


This instruction video shows you how to change a filter in your Respro® mask. Simply follow the instructions below.


This video shows you how to clean your mask without fuss.

This video shows you the many ways you can wear your tubular scarf.

This video demonstrates how valves work in a Respro® Mask and highlights the newest valve in the Respro® Range: the Powa™ Elite.

How to correctly position a Respro® head-strap on your mask.

Other Videos

Our Technology

Sometimes you need to find answers to your questions quickly. In the Tech pages, we have tried to answer some of the more common questions asked by our customers over the past 25 years of trading. If there is anything you require that is not on these pages, then please send an email to customerservices@respro.com and we will respond as soon as is humanly possible.


Pollution is made of two distinct categories:

  1. Gases and Vapours
  2. Particulates

Most types of pollution can be put into one or other category.

1. Gases & Vapours:
  • Nitrogen Oxides
  • Sulphur Dioxide
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Low level Ozone
  • Hydrocarbon Chemicals

These pollutants all require an activated carbon filter media to absorb them.

2. Particulates:
  • Asbestos dust from brake linings
  • Pollen
  • Road dust
  • Black smoke from diesel emissions
  • Any other material which is solid in nature

There are two categories of particulates:

Inhalable and respirable
  • Inhalable particulates: are the particles big enough to be trapped within the nasal hairs and the mucous membranes at the back of the throat.
  • Respirable particulates: are the particles that pass beyond the nasal hairs and the mucous membranes of the throat and pass into the lung sacs and subsequent blood barrier. These particulates can carry carcinogenic chemicals used in petrol (benzene, pyrene, etc) to the blood barrier.

What can you do about air pollution? – Campaign for cleaner air and in the meantime, get a mask.

Summer Pollution is characterised by the reaction of sunlight with Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) and Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which readily break down producing photo-chemical smog ie LLO and Nitrogen dioxide (NO2). NO2 and LLO can affect health. Evidence exists indicating that high levels of either pollutants can inflame the airways in our lungs and over a long period of time, affect how well our lungs work. People with asthma are particularly affected. DACC is really good for the filtration of LLO and NO2. So a ‘combination’ filter would be good for summer pollution.

Filters that contain DACC – Cinqro Urban

Winter Pollution is characterized by different types of air movements. Inversion weather is common at this time of year and causes a blanket of static vehicle pollution to descend on a city. Typically, towns and cities that are below or at the side a mountain range will be subject to inversion weather. Athens, Mexico City, Salt Lake City, Hong Kong, Bogota, Los Angeles and Beijing, all suffer from poor air quality issues due to inversion weather patterns in the region.

Particulate build up can be quite severe and a Hepa-type filter layer as part of the filter is recommended.

Filters that contain DACC – Cinqro Urban filter, Techno, Allergy Chemical Particle filter, Cinqro sports filter, Sports filter, Allergy Particle filter.

We offer several types of filter all of which are interchangeable within the range of masks providing they are the same size.

  1. Sports filter – for sub-micron particle filtration (Respirable dusts <PM1) and highest airflow rate. (Sportsta mask standard issue)
  2. City filter – for micron particle filtration (inhaleable dusts PM10) and Organic vapour uptake. (City Mask/ Nightsite mask standard issue)
  3. Techno filter – for sub-micron particle filtration (Respirable dusts <PM1) and Organic gas/vapour uptake. (Techno mask standard issue)
  4. Allergy Particle – for sub-micron particle filtration (Respirable dusts <PM1) (Allergy mask standard issue)
  5. Allergy Particle/Chemical filter – for sub-micron particle filtration (Respirable dusts <PM1) and Chemical gas/vapour uptake. (Allergy mask)



In order to consider the effectiveness of a mask, the following points must be taken into consideration

    1. How well does the product seal?
    2. How effective is the filter material?

For a mask to work properly, it has to seal the nose and mouth from the external environment. Inhaled air needs to pass through the filter material in order to remove pollution by physically trapping gas or vapour molecules. The nose clip is a vital component required to assist in making an effective seal. Failure to create an effective seal will allow unfiltered air to pass around the sides of the mask and into the respiratory system. This is known as ‘Inward Leakage’. A ‘one size fits all’ mask will invariably offer a poor fit and an ineffective seal. That is why Respro® offer 3 sizes in their mask range.

All our masks, apart from the Bandit™ scarf and the Allergy™ mask, are made from Neoprene. Being resiliently stretchable, it allows the masks to conform easily to varying facial features, sealing around the face, thus creating a good seal and a comfortable fit.

Another consideration in the sealing is sizing. As the range of sizes within the adult population varies, one size cannot fit all. For an adult female of average height/weight, we would recommend the medium size. Likewise, for an adult male of average height/weight, we would recommend the large size. By choosing the correct size and following the fitting instructions you can be assured that an effective seal can be attained.

As the Neoprene mask will stretch between the nose and cheekbone, a negative cavity will exist. This gap, if not closed up, will allow polluted air to pass through this region unfiltered, consequently reducing the mask’s overall efficiency. To affect a good seal in this region, all our masks use a nose clip which can be formed to the individual facial shape of the wearer.

Each mask contains a replaceable filter specific to either an urban or countryside environment. Depending on the environment that you are active in, you will need to assess the type of filter that is required. Essentially the City™ filter is designed for use in the urban environment and the Sportsta™ filter is used for country environments where much higher levels of particulate material can be encountered.

In order to have good breathability in a mask, especially when exercising or engaging in physical exertion, it is essential that the mask allows for a free flow of breath and does not create either a pressure drop or back pressure. Heat, carbon dioxide and water vapour, three components of exhaled breath, need to be expelled from the mask in readiness for the next breath of inhaled air. If this process of evacuation fails or is impeded, then the mask may become uncomfortable with poor airflow and may result in the wearer not using the mask.

We therefore believe that exhalation valves are an essential component which allows the mask to perform well under the conditions described above.

The valves in Respro® masks are designed to reduce or eradicate any of the above effects and are available in accessory packs, allowing the user to tailor a product specifically to their own needs.

  1. TECHNO™ (fitted with the Techno™/City™/Allergy™/ xtreme™ masks) The Techno™ valve is our benchmark valve that allows heat, water vapour and C02 out of the mask. Without valves the humidity in the mask is not controllable which can result in saturation of the filter which leads to harder breathing though the filter.
  2. POWA™ (fitted with Sportsta™ mask) The Powa™ valve is concerned purely with the rate of air flow though the valves for
    sport, i.e. the least possible resistance to breathing out and the maximum capacity air flow when breathing heavily during exercise or sport.
  3. ELITE POWA™(fitted with the Techno Plus™/Ultralight™/Cinqro™ masks) The Elite Powa™ valve combines the robustness of the Techno™ valve with flow improvements of the Powa™ valve when used at the maximum level of exertion.

Rarely do the valves require replacement.

Filters Tech

The filter materials used in Respro® masks were primarily developed for use in military applications requiring excellent filtration properties yet at the same time requiring an air flow efficiency that would not impede the user’s activity.

Respro® uses the same filter materials in their masks to accommodate the filtration of a wide spectrum of pollutants that are found in the urban, country and home environments.

Each mask has a complimentary filter type for individual activities and Respro® have designed the filters so that they are also interchangeable within other Respro® masks allowing customisation for more specific applications.

Respro® filters will also benefit people who suffer from breathing difficulties with either particle or chemical sensitive respiratory systems. However, it is always prudent to take advice from your doctor if you are considering adding a mask to your health improvement programme.

As well as consumer applications the The Respro® FB-1, Techno and Sportsta masks conform to the technical specifications of European Standard EN149 FFP1 for particulate material including water based aerosols and the EV and S-3V masks conform to EN149 FFP1, 2 & 3 for particulate material.

The filter lifespan is based on the characteristics of the active urban cyclist.

  • Half hour journey to work and half hour back
  • A breathing rate of 30 litres of air per minute
  • Pollution levels where the WHO (World Health Organisation) guidelines recommend that the average citizen should wear some form of respiratory protection.

On this basis we recommend that the filter be changed every 69 hours of use in the environment.

The Sportsta™, the Cinqro™, Ultralight™ & Techno™ masks are available in three sizes, medium and large and X-large. They also have equivalent sized filters. It is important to identify the correct size filter replacement for your mask in order to ensure comfort and efficiency. The size can be found by looking at the back of the mask (for masks manufactured after April 1999), which will indicate its size. Respro® have also introduced the Techno™ Gold Upgrade Kit, so that a City™ or Sportsta™ mask already purchased, may be upgraded in filtration performance.

Filter replacement for any mask is carried out by removing the filter and valve assembly (where applicable) from the Neoprene mask. This is readily effected by pushing the valves through the holes where they are situated in the mask. This procedure will release the valve and filter assembly in one unit. The valves should then be dis-assembled from the filter and the filter discarded thoughtfully. To re-assemble the product with a new filter, reversal of the procedures should be carried out.

The material we use for chemical filtration (DACC) and present in most Respro® masks (Cinqro, City, Techno, Metro) was first produced by the UK Defence Establishment back in 1980s for the protection of troops under the threat of nuclear chemical and biological warfare. Since then a number of licenses have been provided to business, including our filter manufacturer, for the production of the material for Industrial applications.  In order to provide a realistic program for industrial applications the material was tested using a number of different agents. This list can be read below.

Each agent has been tested for uptake and recorded. The list has been compiled into a useable one that allows the material to be sold with credibility for industrial applications to do with both air and water filtration.

Respro (UK) Ltd use this material for filtering chemicals that are found in the urban environment that are known as Primary Pollutants and the result of vehicle combustion. These chemicals include Nitrogen Oxides including NO and NO2, Sulphur Dioxide, A wide range of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s – additives in fuels) and Low Level Ozone (LLO). All these have been used in tests with DACC and rated according to their affinity to be adsorbed.



  • Acetylene -G
  • Butane (Iso-Butane) -E
  • Butylene -E
  • Butadiene -G
  • Cyclohexane -E
  • Decane -M
  • Ethane -G
  • Ethylene -M
  • Heptane -E
  • Heptylene -G
  • Hexane -E
  • Hexylene -G
  • Methane -M
  • Nonane -G
  • Octane -G
  • Octylene -E
  • Pentane -G
  • Propane -M
  • Propylene -G
  • Benzene (Respro® filter) -E
  • Napthalene -E
  • Styrene Monomer -E
  • Toluene -E
  • Toluidine -E
  • Butyl Acetate -E
  • Cellosolve Acetate -E
  • Ethyl Acrylate -E
  • Ethyl Formate -G
  • Isopropyl Acetate -E
  • Methyl Acetate -G
  • Methyl Acrylate -E
  • Methyl Formate -G
  • Propyl Acetate -E
  • Acetone -G
  • Acetaldehyde -G
  • Acrolein -G
  • Acrylaldehyde -G
  • Benzaldehyde -E
  • Crontonaldehyde
  • Cyclohexanone -E
  • Diethyl Ketone -E
  • Dipropyl Ketone -E
  • Formaldehyde -M
  • Methyl Butylketone -E
  • Methyl Ethylketone -G
  • Valeric Aldehyde -E
  • Acetic -G
  • Acetic Anhydride -E
  • Acrylic -E
  • Butyric -E
  • Carbolic -E
  • Formic -G
  • Lactic -E
  • Palmitic -E
  • Phenol -E
  • Propionic -E
  • Ethyl -G
  • Anyl -E
  • Butyl -E
  • Cyclohexanol -E
  • Isopropyl -E
  • Methanol (Methyl) -M
  • Propyl -E
  • Carbon disulphide -G
  • Dimethyl Sulphate -G
  • Ethyl mercaptan -E
  • Hydrogen sulphide -M
  • Methyl mercaptan -E
  • Propyl mercaptan -E
  • Sulphur Dioxide (Respro® filter) -E
  • Sulphur trioxide -M
  • Sulphuric Acid -M
  • Ammonia -M
  • Aniline -E
  • Diethyl Amine -G
  • Diethyl Aniline -G
  • Dimethyl Amine -E
  • Ethyl Amine -G
  • Nicotine -E
  • Nitric acid -G
  • Nitrobenzene -E
  • Nitroethane -E
  • Nitrogen Dioxide (Respro® filter) -E
  • Nitroglycerine -E
  • Nitromethane -G
  • Nitropropane -E
  • Nitrotoluene -E
  • Urea -E
  • Uric Acid -E
  • Amyl -E
  • Butyl -E
  • Cellosolve -E
  • Dioxan -E
  • Ethyl -G
  • Ethylene Oxide -M
  • Isopropyl -E
  • Methyl Cellosolve -E
  • Methyl -G
  • Propyl -E
  • Butyl Chloride -E
  • Carbon Tetrachloride -G
  • Chlorine -M
  • Chlorobenzene -E
  • Chlorobutadiene -E
  • Chloroform -E
  • Chloro nitropropane -E
  • Chloropicrin -E
  • Dibromoethane -E
  • Dichlorobenzene -E
  • Bromine -G
  • Dichlorodifluoro Methane -M
  • Dichlorodifluoro Ethane -G
  • Dichlorethane -E
  • Dichloroethylene -E
  • Dichloroethyl ether -E
  • Dichloromethane -M
  • Dichloromonofluoro Methane -M
  • Dichloropropane -G
  • Dichlorotetrafluoro ethane -M
  • Ethyl bromide -G
  • Ethyl Chloride -G
  • Ethylene chlorohydrin -G
  • Ethylene dichloride -G
  • Fluorotrichloromethane -M
  • Freon -M
  • Hydrogen bromide -M
  • Hydrogen chloride -M
  • Hydrogen Cyanide -M
  • Hydroxen Fluoride -M
  • Hydrogen iodide -M
  • Iodine -E
  • Methyl bromide -E
  • Methyl chloride -E
  • Methyl chloroform -E
  • Methylene chloride -E
  • Monochlorobenzene -E
  • Paradichlorobenzene -E
  • Perchloroethylene -G
  • Propyl chloride -G
  • Tetrachloro ethane -G
  • Tetrachloro ethylene -G
  • Trichloro ethylene -G
  • Vinyl chloride -G

The list is not exhaustive and other chemicals may well be adsorbed by DACC but have yet to be tested.

PM stands for Particulate Matter. It is the term for particles found in the air including dust, dirt, soot and smoke. These particles can be suspended in the air for long periods of time.

Particulate Matter comes in a wide range of sizes, measured in micrometres or ‘microns’. Like inches, metres and miles, a micron is a unit of measurement for distance, a very small distance. There are 1000 microns in one millimetre and about the same width of as a hair on your head.

Particulates that are 50+ microns in diameter can be seen by the naked eye, but as they get smaller they tend to invisibility. (The Invisible Threat) Particulates less than 10 microns in diameter (less than PM10) start to pose a health concern because they can be inhaled into the back of the throat region causing irritation and coughing.

Particulates less than 2.5 microns in diameter (less thanPM2.5) which include sub micron particulates (less than PM1) are referred to as fine or ‘respirable’ particulates and are believed to pose the greatest health risk.

Because of their size, the normal human filtering system, the nose and its nasal hair, are unable to trap these fine particulates. They pass through the upper airways and deep into the fine capillaries and air sacs which is where the oxygen exchange occurs to oxygenate the blood.

Current concerns are that very small amounts of toxic or carcinogenic chemicals like the VOC Pyrene, are carried on the particle and taken to the point of exchange, which allows for the potential of the chemical to be absorbed into the blood stream.

A typical sample of black smoke emitted from one of the more popular people carrying vehicles, would include particulates from 100 microns in size to particulates less than one micron in size. The sizing variation comes from the type of fuel and how efficiently it is being burnt.

Short term health effects are eye, nose throat and chest irritation, coughing, sneezing, runny nose and shortness of breath.
Constant exposure to fine particles will also affect lung function, worsen medical conditions in existence such as asthma and heart disease, or increase the risk of acute respiratory disorders.

People who exercise or are consistently being exposed to environments where the PM reading is high, really should consider appropriate precautions such as wearing a mask with a ‘Hepa-type Filter’ which removes sub-micron and all micron sized particulates.
People who cycle for an average of 30 minutes to work, at a brisk pace, are likely to breathe approximately 1800 litres of air in that journey. Due to poor air quality, the air will have a percentage of particulates that you cannot help but breathe in.

In considering the 1800 litres of air inhaled over the journey, the particulates in this large volume of air, will stick to the lining of the upper and lower respiratory tract like flies on a Vapona strip. The lungs now have to work to remove these particulate contaminants and they have to do this twice a day for two thirds of a year.

Is there any wonder why people are looking to use masks to protect themselves?

The usable lifespan of the ‘Combination’ filter is based on the characteristics of the active urban cyclist. If the mask is being used for any other activity it still applies, but the different
breathing rate and activity would put the lifespan of the filter at a proportionally shorter or longer time. For example; If the breathing rate is half that of a cyclist then the effectiveness of the filter would be twice as long. For cycle commuting on a daily basis we recommend that the filter should be replaced every month or every 69 hours, whichever is sooner. 

A Combination Filter provides the broadest spectrum of filtration for gases, vapours and particulates common in urban environments with poor air quality.

What are the health effects of exposure to dust and other Particulate Matter?

Please see this 2008 Fact Sheet for more detailed information.

Powa - Valve Pack

Powa – Valve Pack

The Powa™ Valve Pack contains two Powa™ Valves that can be used in the majority of Respro® Masks. These valves have better breathing characteristics at higher airflows, i.e. when breathing heavily in sports or when engaged in strenuous physical exertion.



Shop with your smartphone


With our sizing service


On all orders over £25*


On all our masks


Ultralight Mask - Green
After 2 years of using disposable N95 masks in the busy traffic of Accra Ghana, where vehicles frequently spew black clouds, I now feel much safer with this excellent face mask! It fits so well, and there's no seepage around
Proseal - Black
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of respiratory hazards, I fear no particles, for my Respro and my Pro-Seal are with me.
Allergy Mask - Blue
Changed the way I live. I used to not be able to go to the movies or other places with lots of food because of my extremely sensitive allergies. Then this mask came along and absolutely changed my life. Would
Can not refresh Instagram token. It may be incorrect.


Coronavirus (Covid-19)

There is limited information on this specific virus but it is part of a family of viruses that have been previously researched and documented. The mechanics of capture remain consistent with other viral matter.

Viral infection is transmitted in two major ways:

  1. By airborne transmission.
  2. By coming into physical contact with viral material and self administering the virus by hand to mouth or nose actions.

How to protect yourself from airborne viral transmission:

Use a respiratory mask that incorporates an Activated Charcoal Cloth layer together with a submicron particle filter layer (combination filter) as it has the ability to adsorb viral matter in both the micro and the nano range of sizes by means of entrapment and adsorption. Whilst a P2/P3 industry face mask will trap particulates which may well carry viral matter (micro size), they are seldom bespoke and only come in one size. This increases the chance of a misfit by the user, especially if used by children or if they are not shown how to fit a mask properly or undergo a fit test~This means that a percentage of unfiltered air will bypass the filter completely. What these masks cannot do is adsorb the viral matter on its own, this happens with DACC as it operates on both a different principle and size scale (nano size). So whether that rated mask is P1/2 or 3, is not a significant factor. The correct fit and the seal are!

Suitable masks with a combination filter:

Techno Mask– (suitable for commuting)
Cinqro Mask (suitable for Sport)
Ultralight Combo (suitable for Sport)
Sportsta Combo (suitable for Sport)
Allergy Combo (suitable for commuting)
Skin plus Techno upgrade kit (suitable for Sport)
Techno Plus (suitable for Sport)

A combination filter would be suitable for exhaust pollution (VOC’s and PM 2.5’s) airborne viral and bacterial matter, and cigarette smoke.

A combination filter has both a Hepa-type filter layer and a DACC layer. This combination of Hepa-type filter layer and DACC in one single filter provides submicron (smaller than PM 2.5) dust filtering capability, together with DACC capability for filtering gases (VOC’s /Acid gases), vapours and viral matter in the nano range of sizes by means of adsoprtion. It is the best type of filter available in our range for dealing with the broad spectrum of vehicle and non vehicular pollutants commonly found in major cities across the globe.

They can be found here:

Cinqro Filter Twin Pack
Techno Filter Twin Pack

There is limited information on this specific virus but it is part of a family of viruses that have been previously researched and documented. The mechanics of capture remain consistent with other viral matter.

Viral infection is transmitted in two major ways:

  1. By airborne transmission.
  2. By coming into physical contact with viral material and self administering the virus by hand to mouth or nose actions.

How to protect yourself from contact based viral transmission:

Using a hand sanitiser that kills viral and bacterial matter found on common surfaces, will help against the spread of a virus. Viruses can be picked up from door handles, light switches, TV remotes, communal surfaces, vending machines and on mass transit systems from buses, trains and metro or at work on shared surfaces, in lifts etc.

Our Sanitiser is water based and non-toxic, kills 99.9% of all common germs and bacteria. It is hand sized and an excellent travel product for everyday use.


Our concern in providing masks for children is that the size variation in children is so wide, that a ‘child’s’ mask will not fit the range of sizes that children come in.

A 3-year-old will not require the same mask sizes as a 7 -to 10-year-old. We do not recommend the use of face masks for children younger than 11 years, but to seek alternative ‘common sense’ precautions ie hood on push chairs, keep away from large congested or dense traffic environments; if you cannot, then place something in front of their faces more like a guard to prevent air/wind/ polluted air from direct contact. Children’s breathing rates are considerably lower that that of a walking adult so they should not be in too much danger. Generally common sense practice where at all possible should be considered. If a child has a particular respiratory issue then medical advice should be considered first and foremost.

The small Respro® Allergy™ mask is the smallest size available and useable by very small adults and older children above the age of 10 years.

When using a mask with glasses, it is best to fit the mask first to get the correct fit with no seal leakage, then place the glasses in front of the nose clip on the mask. It is really dependent on the seal of the mask. Having adjustable nose pads facilitates a better fit than plastic moulded rims. A good seal around the nose and cheekbone will mean no leakage in that region which equals no misting. This is how/why glasses get misted up on the inside of the lens. In our experience most glasses wearers manage to figure a way of fitting glasses with a mask without them getting misted up.

Any mask will have some level of restriction especially at fast breathing rates for example; when cycling fast.

All of our masks are compatible with aerobic exercise. If you body starts working in an anaerobic capacity then no mask is compatible and you will feel like you need to stop or slow down.

The best masks will use exhalation valves that ‘dump’ heat, water vapours and Co2; the quicker the better. The removal of these components are the key to comfort. You need to get them out of the mask. The Powa™ and Powa™ Elite valve is key at elevated breathing rates.

Any beard will interfere with the sealing of a mask, it goes without saying. How much leakage is governed by the thickness of the beard and the correct size of mask.


The Cinqro™ mask focuses on the ‘urban trainer’, the ‘home runner’ or the multi-sport end user where breathing rates are typically higher than your average commuter. Improved comfortability are key to this level of personal endeavour.

For improved air flow and comfortability the two Powa™ Elite valves on the Cinqro™ mask allow faster air flow characteristics when breathing out at elevated breathing patterns, ie when you are giving it the beans from A2B which equates to less back pressure, less dampness in the filter, improved filtration, lower inhalation resistance all of which result in improved comfort and performance.

The Cinqro™ package incorporates a complete mask fitted with a Hepa-Type™ particle filter for filtering submicron particles like diesel smoke, pollen, brake lining dust and any aqueous water vapor particles that can carry various chemicals in the air. A spare combination filter is also supplied as part of the package allowing filter interchangeability making the Cinqro™ mask suitable for use in a wider variety of environments from inner cities to the countryside.

A graphics rebuild for the look of the mask fits it squarely in the sports arena rather than the ‘scare the hell out of everyone’ arena.

The Cinqro™ package incorporates a complete mask fitted with a Hepa-Type™ particle filter for filtering submicron particles like diesel smoke. A spare DACC™ chemical/particle filter is also supplied as part of the package allowing filter interchangeability.

For improved air flow and comfortability, two Powa™ Elite valves are included with the Cinqro™ mask. They improve air flow characteristics when breathing out at elevated breathing patterns. This equates to less back pressure, less dampness in the filter, improved filtration, lower inhalation resistance all of which result in improved comfort and performance.

A graphics rebuild for the look of the mask fits it squarely in the sports arena rather than the ‘scare the hell out of everyone’ arena.

Cinqro™ = mask + 2 filters + Powa™ Elite valves + graphics = value for money


Any of the following masks which come with a combination filter would be suitable for environments where pollution is high and full of exhaust gases and various particulates including PM10, PM2.5 and respirables (sub-micron).

A combination filter has both a Hepa-type filter layer and a DACC layer. This combination of Hepa-type filter layer and DACC in one single filter provides submicron (smaller than PM 2.5) dust filtering capability, together with DACC capability for filtering gases (VOC’s /Acid gases) and vapours . It is the best type of filter available in our range for dealing with the broad spectrum of pollutants commonly found in major cities across the globe.

Typically particulate pollution in cities appears to be in the 2.5 micron size range, above and below. Particles smaller than this are known as respirable dusts, which can lodge deep within the lungs and air sacs. This is the more dangerous type of particle pollution as chemicals from vehicle exhaust gases combustion known to be toxic, are carried by means of the respirable particles. Hence the need for a Hepa-type submicron particle filter together with a DACC Activated charcoal layer.

The usable lifespan of the filter is based on the characteristics of the active urban cyclist. If you are using the mask for another activity it still applies, but your breathing rate and activity would put the lifespan of the filter at a proportionally shorter or longer time. If your breathing rate is say half that of a cyclist then the effectiveness of the filter would be twice as long. For cycle commuting on a daily basis we recommend that the filter should be replaced every month or every 69 hours, whichever is sooner.

With respect to shipping, we now offer free shipping anywhere on the planet. We do offer a quicker courier service but this is chargeable and can be viewed and paid for at the checkout if required.

Each filters type has a primary use in a specific environment.

  1. The City™ filter uses Dynamic Activated Charcoal Cloth (DACC™) a 95% pure charcoal weave, originally developed by the U.K. Ministry of Defence for use in the protection against chemical and bacteria warfare situations. We use DACC™ to effectively filter out Primary pollutants associated with vehicle exhaust emissions. The DACC™ is laminated with medical grade non woven polypropylene material which filters particulates from the air and helps prevent them from entering the respiratory system. The City™ filter offers protection against: – Hydrocarbons. e.g. Benzene; Pyrene;1,3 Butadiene. – Acid gases. e.g. Nitrogen dioxide; Sulphur dioxide. – Photo-chemical pollutants. e.g. Low level Ozone – Particulates. e.g. Black smoke; Pollen; Lead oxide. For a more comprehensive list of all the chemicals that have tested with DACC, please go to the Industrial section of the website.
  2. The Sportsta™ filter uses electrostatically charged fibres to attract airborne particulates down to 0.3 microns in size. 1 Micron = 1/1000mm. Unlike most particle filters which rely on mechanical retention, which inherently results in high inhalation resistance or very large cumbersome filters, the Sportsta filter offers extremely low inhalation resistance, by like comparison. The Sportsta™ filter offers protection against: – Pollen dust; Building dust; Clay dust; Grain dust; Soya dust; Carbon dust; House dust; Cigarette smoke. – PM10’s. e.g. Diesel smoke. – Lead & Tar.

Yes, the filters do need replacing.

  • The effective working life of Respro® filters depends on a number of factors, such as; the breathing rate of the user; ambient levels of pollution; the length of time the filter is actively working; hygiene levels. Taking these factors into account we recommend that the filter should be replaced every month or every 69 hours, whichever is sooner.
  • Replacement of the Sportsta™ filter should be carried out every month or when the filter becomes noticeably discoloured.

You will need to determine what type of environment you will be using the mask in, ie, a city environment or a countryside environment. Typically, if you are commuting every day with heavy or slow moving traffic, you should use the Techno™ or the City™ filter. Although chemical pollutants can be found in the countryside; crop spays, fertilisers etc., particulates are more likely to pose a potential problem, thus a Sportsta&trade; filter is likely to be the better option.

Yes! The filters and valves used in both the City&trade; and the Sportsta&trade; masks are totally interchangeable.

Yes! All our filters are interchangeable, provided they are the same size. You can make your own mask from a combination of parts. like the Sportsta&trade; mask with Techno&trade; or City&trade; or Cinqro&trade; filter or Allergy mask with Powa&trade; Elite valves.

Essentially the filters in the X-treme&trade; function in the same way as the City&trade; and Sportsta&trade; filters do. The X-treme&trade; mask for sports utilises the particulate filtration ability of the Sportsta&trade; and the X-treme&trade; mask for urban use, uses activated carbon as its filtration medium.

The Techno&trade; filter has sub-micron filtration capability. What this means is that it is able to trap particles less than one micron in size which is more than capable of the removal of 2.5 micron particulate material (PM).

Typically particulate pollution in the cities appears to be in the 2.5 micron size range and above. Particles smaller than this are known as respirable dusts, which can lodge deep within the lungs and air sacs. This is the more dangerous type of particle pollution as chemicals from vehicle exhaust gases combustion known to be toxic, are carried by means of the respirable particles. Hence the need for a Hepa-type&trade; submicron particle filter.

The DACC&trade; Activated charcoal layer within the Techno&trade; filter has excellent adsorption properties when it comes to SO2 and NO2 uptakes. With this capability and its capability of filtering VOC’s it is the best filter available in our range for dealing with the broad spectrum of pollutants commonly found in major cities across the globe.

The filter material in the Sportsta™ mask is subject to testing which gives 99% filtration of particulates smaller than PM2.5 (2.5 microns); in fact almost ten times smaller, 0.3 microns. An important point with respect to masks is how well they fit. If they fit poorly then the air will just pass through the gap where it doesn’t fit, that’s why we have three sizes.

To find out what size you are visit our sizing guide.

What are the health effects of exposure to dust and other Particulate Matter? Please see this 2008
Fact Sheet for more detailed information.


Yes, the filters do need replacing.

  • The effective working life of Respro® filters depends on a number of factors, such as; the breathing rate of the user; ambient levels of pollution; the length of time the filter is actively working; hygiene levels. Taking these factors into account we recommend that the filter should be replaced every month or every 69 hours, whichever is sooner.
  • Replacement of the Sportsta™ filter should be carried out every month or when the filter becomes noticeably discoloured.

The valves should not need replacing on a regular basis assuming that they are maintained properly. On a monthly basis, it is advisable to flush the valves through with warm water and allow to air dry.

It is recommended that you wash the neoprene shell of the mask every month under normal use. To do this it is necessary to remove the filter and the valve first. Although spare valves and filters are available from your retailer, please be careful not to misplace any of the components during maintenance.

The malleable nose clip deforms easily so that a good fit can be formed around the bridge of the nose. Continuous or exaggerated deformation will eventually cause failure in the metal – it will snap. Once a good fit has been found, it is best to maintain the shape, rather than folding it flat when storing it or when not in use. If it breaks, all you have to do is send a picture of it, indicating size, model and address details to customerservices@respro.com and we will send a replacement shell FOC.

Under normal conditions the Bandit&trade; will provide the user with approximately six months protection. The Bandit incorporates D.A.C.C. which is specially coated so that it can be washed. It should be washed on a regular basis to maintain optimum performance. Immerse in a pan of boiling water (this releases the petroleum compounds pounds which are attracted to the D.A.C.C.) and leave to cool. Then wash in warm water using a non-automatic washing powder, rinse and leave to dry.


The sizing guide is a guideline only and it is recommended that you email your Biometric data to have your mask size confirmed.

Under the Consumer Contracts Regulations June 2014, a mask is considered as ‘personal’ item and for hygiene reasons Respro® are unable to exchange any mask that has been removed from its sealed packaging and fit attempted. This poses a contamination threat and subsequent product liability issue.

If however, Respro® have advised you of the size to purchase and if it is subsequently deemed the wrong size then Respro® will exchange it for the correct size free of any charge. Respro® does not offer this service if a mask is purchased from a third party supplier.


Shipping is a free service and transit times vary:

  • Delivery time to the States is anywhere between 8-12 days, it varies according to the postal code and is delivered by USPS.
  • Delivery time to China is anywhere between 10-14 days, it varies according to the postal code and is delivered by USPS.
  • Delivery time to Europe is anywhere between 7- 10 days, it varies according to the postal code and is delivered by the national postal service of the individual country.
  • Delivery time to the rest of the world is anywhere between 10-20 days, depending on the country and is delivered by the national postal service of the individual country.

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